Selasa, 17 Januari 2023

UAS PGMI 3 TA 2022/2023




Mata Kuliah                 : Pend Bhs Inggris di MI

Semester/Prodi            : III / PGMI

Dosen Pengampu      : Dr. E. Hasanah M.Pd.

Hari, Tanggal               : Jum’at  20 Januari 2023



a.  Tulislah terlebih dahulu identitas (nama, semester, prodi) pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia;

b.  Bacalah dengan teliti seluruh soal yang akan dikerjakan;

c.   Jawablah soal berikut dengan benar.


1.               Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.

Everyone ……………1…………. (loves / love / is loving) to be a winner, but winning …………2…………. (require / is requiring / requires) a great deal of mental conditioning. You have to give up laziness and start working really hard. You have to have patience and be willing to persevere. And most importantly you have to get rid of the fear of failure.

 One of the factors that …………3…………. (eliminate / eliminates / is eliminating) your chances of success is the fear of failure. Most of us …………4………….. (are / is / were) afraid of failing. In fact even before we start doing something, we begin to visualize what will happen if we fail in the attempt. We ……………5…………. (are worried /have worried / worried) about the reaction of our parents and peers. And as a result of this we ……………6…………. (will / would / should) not make any attempt at all. We will keep …………7…………… (to live / living) in our comfort zones, while everyone around us will be making achievements. And when you find yourself at the bottom, while everybody else …………8…………. (have reached/has reached) great heights, you fall into depression. So if you are serious about success and if you are serious about achieving your goals then you should start now to deal with your fear of failure.


2.      Answer the following questions:

Can you tell me your full name?

Can you tell me something about the town /city you live in?

Please tell me something about your apartment.

Do you have a hobby?

Have you got many friends?

Do you like the city you live in?

What do you like about your city?

Is there anything you don’t like about your city?

Do you like your name?

Have you ever wanted to change your name?

Do you enjoy studying English?

Why are you taking the PGMI department?

3.      Write your hopes about why you choose the PGMI department.

=== Good luck ===

Send your answer to email  or

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